Rhyne Park Village, Rose Hall Montego Bay

Civil engineering infrastructure for 900 housing units that included design of roadways, water supply, sanitary sewerage, storm water sewerage and storm water management system using micro-dams for flood peak attenuation and the management of sediment transport. 

Decameron Hotel, Montego Bay

The Decameron Hotel in Montego Bay: 5 story reinforced concrete, masonry and structural steel hybrid building with over 100,000 square feet of space. Westech was the Structural and Civil Engineers of Record. Designed and Constructed in 2015 as a design-build project  

Pavement Failure analysis in Freeport, Montego Bay

Forensic Investigation into widespread failure of asphaltic concrete pavement on Sunset Drive.  Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) tests of the base material was performed to determine the design strength of the material using California Bearing Ratios obtained from the DCP tests.

Civil Infrastructure Improvement in East Kingston and Clarendon

This included the design and construction supervision of much needed civil infrastructure upgrade including water supply, sanitary, stormwater and roadways within the Tivoli Gardens, Hannah Town, Denham Town, Greenwich Town, Majesty Gardens, Canaan Heights and Treadlight communities.

Bogue Village

Was the first build-out of the Montego Bay South 2014 Plan.  Provided civil engineering infrastructure for 252 acre, 1623 lot residential subdivision to satisfy much needed housing in the Montego Bay area.